Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Glory's Pretend Adventure

At dusk tonight, I went out to call Glory in for bed...she had been riding her tricycle in her pajamas, talking to herself all the while. I told her it was time to come in and she told me that she was only HALF way to where she was going, and that no, she couldn't continue on tomorrow, because she would forget where she was and have to start ALL over! As she reluctantly, yet obediently parks her wheels in the barn, I asked her where she was going and this is the glimps into her pretend adventure that I got: 

She was going to the "Safety House" because there was a BIG storm. She had been staying in a house with a Mama and a Papa and a lot of girls. Some of the girls had computers and some of them didn't. She did, so she could see her Mama and Papa. I asked her if she shared her computer with the girls that didn't have one, but she said that some of the other girls showed them if they found something that was really funny. :P (So much for my plug for sharing. ) They had to go to the "Safety House" because the big storm had almost broken the house. It pulled all the doors off...and blew all the sand out of the sandbox! The Mama and Papa fixed the house and built new doors and bought 5 new yards of sand. (and yes...I am PROUD that my 4 year old daughter knows to measure pretend sand in yards, but back to the story... :) The "Safety House" is called that because it stays up even in REALLY big storms. When God burns up the world it will be gone, but for regular storms it always stays good! And the next house beside the "Safety House" is a snow cone stand!....

My girl amazes me. :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rabbit Soup

When you grow up in "the country" (unlike myself), your worldveiw is a bit different than the typical American. Pascal, our cat, recently caught a small rabbit. While some of you think this is sad, then try to consider how much damage that one rabbit would do to our garden. If you are still feeling sad for the eventual loss of the rabbit then you may not want to read the rest of this post. 

So on with the story...
Glory and I saw Pascal carrying the live baby rabbit around and "playing" with it as cats generally do. I told Glory about why it was good for Pascal to catch and kill the rabbit; she seemed to understand. When Levi woke up he found his sister still watching Pascal and the rabbit. Glory kindly told him what was happening. He seemed content to sit and watch the game. 

Seeing that Pascal was enjoying the audience and making no attempt to kill the rabbit, I scolded him and told him that he should kill the rabbit soon or I would. Glory picks up on the intent of my statement and as I am walking away I hear her saying to Pascal something like, "Pascal, don't you want some rabbit soup?"

Monday, April 6, 2009

New camera...good excuse to add pictures. :)

This is us...except me...since I get to play with the camera and have no new pictures of myself. Enjoy! :)


My dear daughter is determined that all weather is flip-flop weather. She started out the door this morning with her trusty green "flippies", only to find that it was 40* out there. She came in for warmer clothes and came up with this. :P