Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Don't have a cow, man!

...but after I got off the phone with our friend who owned a dairy farm, I turned to my wife and instead told her, "You're going to have a cow!"

While some women might have been offended at that kind of talking, my wife beams an "I love you" smile at me. She has been patiently asking for a dairy cow for quite some time and her time has finally come. We are as ready as we are going to be, so Lord willing we will have a new animal on our pasture by next week.

(Now I have to think of some witty remark when someone says, "Don't have a cow!" Any suggestions?)


Corn Scrubbin'

As I walked passed the outside water bowl for our dog and cats I could see a nice think coat of alge growing (perhaps as much as a quarter inch!). I then had a recollection from the past. I remember scrubbing out an old horse trough with a corn husk when I was a boy. We then played in the cleaner water (there were no animals drinking out of it at the time, so it was relatively clean). So looking at my dog's water bowl I had a thought...if only the corn was ready to harvest, but it would be several more weeks before that time. Then I had another thought. I wandered over to the old chicken pen and sure enough there were some left over corn husks from last winter. So I sntched up a few and got to srcubbin'...just like back in the day. After about 10 minutes (yes, there really was that much alge in the bowl) Pete had a nice, mostly clean water bowl again.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Mama, I have a suprise for you!"

...I hear this many times a day. Usually, the suprise is a flower, a stick, a rock with an interesting shape to it, or a "pretend birthday cake" made from sand from the sand-box. Yesterday, though, when I turned around, my beaming daughter was standing in our kitchen, with a live horney toad! :~) (That is, a horned frog lizard; non-venomous, spikey reptile. ) I had assumed this day would come. I had foolishly thought that I was safe until the boys got older, but that just shows where stereotypes get you! :) Glory let the horney toad go after we took their picture together. She likes them because " they don't bite you, and they eat ants: for breakfast, for lunch, for supper, so you should like them just a bit." I love ya, Glory! :)