Thursday, March 29, 2007

Glory's First Date

- by Alesha
Glory has been working very hard for the past month, earning stickers on her "helper chart". She helps me stack dishes and sings to Levi while I dash outside for something. One of her favorite ways to earn stickers is by taking my tin cans out to the recycle bin. This is really a wonderful help, since it gets them off my counter when I'm cooking, and saves me a trip to the barn, where we store them.

This past week, Glory filled up the LAST square on her chart and earned a DATE with her Papa!
We hope that eventually, he and Glory will go on their dates just the two of them, but this time Levi and I were invited to come along. After Taylor's class got out in Lubbock, he took us to the ice cream shop and let glory pick from all the choices a big ice cream for us to share. She chose "pink with sprinkles".

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