Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Costume Box

Since before we had Glory, Alesha and I have stored a costume box. We brought it with us from Seymour recently, and there it sat. A large black costume box. Several times a day, Glory would ask if we could open it, but sadly I had to pat her on the head and say, "No. Not yet, but we will open it soon. Ok?" Agreeably, she would wander off and find something else to do. Well, the other day we opened it up for the first time since Alesha was a little girl. From a military general to an rich old lady, and from an arctic hunter to a native Indian, we played many different roles. Both Glory and Levi seemed to have a grand time. Towards the end, I think that Levi was ready for us to wear normal clothes and return back to being Mama and Papa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the granny costume!!! I think we even have a picture of me in it!!!