Wednesday, April 7, 2010

To Argentina and Beyond!

Well, for now, the "beyond" part is simply returning back home, which I am very grateful to be. I had a very exciting trip, but really there is no place like home. Here are some pictures from my trip. The first (hopefully) is of my friend Garret and me at Club Banco which is where we spent some time. The next few pics are some of the work that we did to get the building in better working condition. I was able to use my electrical knowledge to fix some things like this fan and several light switches. I did try to work on some of their other electrical wiring issues, but the Argentine electrical code was a bit confusing to me...though I have some thoughts now on how to resolve it. :-\ 

The last pic is of a really cool bike that I found. One of the missionary's children had this and I thought that I would take it for a spill. It is really interesting how the front tires swivel to maintain balance and control...I think that I will look into getting one like this for out here where the ground is rarely level. 

If you are really interested to know of the gospel work that was done and is being done then feel free to e-mail me.

Posted via email from yafnrp's posterous

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