Monday, October 13, 2008

All Kinds of Smiles

I thought you might want to listen in on a conversation Glory and I had while playing with Daniel last night.

Me: Soon, Glory, Dan will learn how to smile at us! Can you help me teach him how to smile?

GH: Yeah!!! He can learn all the kinds of smiles!

Me: All kinds? What kinds are there, Glo?

GH: (Smiling like anybody should know a simple thing like smile classification,)
1) Thank You Smiles
2) Camera Smiles (remember, she just turned 4)
3) Teach-the-Gospel Smiles!

Now, to fully appreciate that last category, you need to know our shy little Glory, who by nature tends to give people a cold stare and hope they go away instead of saying hello. You also need to know her Papa, who works with her often on being friendly "so that people will know that Jesus loves her and that Jesus loves them, too". So, smile for the LORD today!

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