Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daily Life & The "Finca"

Nothing is new, but at the same time everything is new every day. There is always something going on around here...yet, living here we have just become used to the unexpected being a part of normal life here in Honduras.

Over a year ago, the kids all got a "stick horse" from Grandad Key. (Yes, I mean a literal stick/dowel rod, with a wooden horse head at one end. Something you would expect to see several decades ago.) Our kids have always enjoyed their horses, but we left them at home. I suppose Levi missed his horse, so he improvised. He and Dan had a grand time with their primitive stick horses that day!

I was telling my mom the other day how random events happen and sticking to a schedule is rather difficult. While I think that this is "freeing" for Alesha, it is sometimes "frustrating" for me. I like to have a schedule and stick to it, but I am learning that life is not like Burger King: I cannot always have it my way. ;-)

Even with this randomness, we try go to the orphanage on Saturday's. It is a lot of fun for everyone. The girls tend to stick with Alesha, while me and the boys do...well, boy things! Here is a picture of the boys playing (Levi is in the red shirt), and the following picture is of the girls being girls: just standing around watching and laughing at the boys.


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