Friday, March 14, 2008

Stop and smell the roses???

Get Glory out of the hospital; move in to the new house; comfort Levi (he has been a bit insecure since Glory was in the hospital); train Levi (he is growing so fast!); comfort Glory (being in the hospital for 9 days is also traumatic); plumb in a gas line; build pantry shelves; host a pounding (more about this in the next blog); catch up on class work; push back my thesis defense until the summer; comfort Alesha (she is pregnant you know); learn how to drive the Jeep; any thing else...oh yeah, somewhere in all this fun I have to earn an income! :-)

And now you all want me to update the blog too!

When you do as the song goes, "read your Bible, pray everyday," then all these things seem to fall in to place.

Praise God for His bountiful grace to sinners like me!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you still have your sense of humor!!
No, this still does not get you off the hook. We still want pictures.
Love, Mom (Granny B)

Granny B said...

Test. Maybe I'll get this blogger thing figured out