Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun Memories

It was windy today by 9:00am. Really windy. The two oldest kids were coming outside with me to milk, though I left Daniel in his walker inside. (He can't get into much that way, and I figured he would be happier there than fighting the wind for 30 min. with us.) As we were walking out the door, already very late for chores, my mind flashed back almost 20 years...see, I grew up on a windswept prairie, too. My Mama, always overflowing with creativity and just as certainly against wasting money, would send us out with "plastic bag kites". It was almost always too windy for "real" kites, so she improvised, tying a loop of twine to the handles of a plastic grocery sack and letting us flap around the yard with it dashing and zipping behind us like a crazy dive-bombing bird. We thought they were wonderful...So today, even though we were already late, we decided to be three minutes later so I could tie a piece of feed sack twine to a plastic bag. :)


Kirsten said...

Love it!! Those little side trips in the midst of the daily grind are always worth it:). I think I might copy the idea myself--it's pretty windy here as well.

Michelle said...

yay for bag kites! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Priceless. Thanks for posting the pics. -----Granny B