Saturday, March 27, 2010

Let's go to the Disco!

Tonight was the Jazz concert and I must admit that I was not looking
forward to it. I was very tired from working on various electrical
wiring issues and I was beginng to really miss my wife and family. I
went anyway.

I had more fun than I had expected primarily because there were
several English speaking people there, many of whom are affiliated
with the Navigators. So I had several nice conversations, in
particular was one toward the end when Garrett was ready to leave. I
got involved in a techie conversation with a fellow computer
programmer...Garrett was totally unimpressed. It was fun to find out
that they use mostly English-based programming languages.

While at the Jazz concert we needed more bread so as we headed out for
the store I asked Garrett, "Why don't we go to the disco?" Perhaps you
are wondering why I would want to leave the Jazz concert for a disco
club? Well the answer is quite simple when you put things in context;
"Disco" is the name of the grocery store!


Posted via email from yafnrp's posterous

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