Saturday, February 26, 2011

Futbol and More

We are now settled at our final destination for a while. There was a bit of an adjustment period in order to handle the extreme difference in noise level here: none. The first afternoon here there was not a sound that I could hear...even at home, in Texas the wind at least blows, but up here in the mountains, nothing. Needless to say, we adjusted quite fine.

This afternoon, I found some people whom we had met before playing soccer/futbol. Now I realize that I'm not an expert at futbol, but I have played some in Texas with several Mexicans and an Italian. This was different. These were kids of maybe 15 years old and they were good! Maybe not professional Honduran level, but as Alesha reminded me, "They grew up playing this." No, football, no basketball, no baseball, no anything else. There is only one sport played here: futbol/soccer.

As far as our Spanish goes, I don't really "feel" like I'm learning very much (yet), but we have grown in confidence at being able to communicate. Keep praying for us and especially the kiddos that we have wisdom and knowledge to listen, learn, and speak the language here.


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