Friday, February 11, 2011

Historical Rewind for Last Month

So we are in Honduras, yeah that's exciting and all, but a lot happened this year leading up to our travels that we were just too busy to blog about. So here are some highlights: 
- We had visitors from Argentina for almost a week at our house. I had to work :-\ but Alesha and the kiddos had a grand time. I think that we showed a well rounded picture of rural life in West Texas. (Picture #1)

- In the cool, non-windy, evenings we have been enjoying small campfires with hot dogs and marshmellows. (Picture #2)

- For Christmas, Levi got a wooden fire truck that had to be put together. It was reasonably enjoyable working with him; I think that he had fun getting to really build something with me. (Picture #3) 

- And then, just before we left, the snow hit (the first one). (Picture #4) It was fun to have snow, but at the same time it was a bit of a burden because our internet provider lost power to their towers and could not climb the towers to fix the problem until the ice melted off. So we were without internet the last week at home and I did a bit of commuting. :-\

So that is a bit of catchup on us. 

Posted via email from yafnrp's posterous

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