Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Hospital Adventure, part IV

My mornings are getting later and later, so I guess that this is a good sign. Glory is now on a regular schedule of pain relief medication. This has really helped her "feel" better.

Yesterday, we saw several visitors. First, Pa and Grandma Miller came by with lots of gifts from different people. (I am not one for "lots of gifts" being needlessly wasted, but Glory really reacted well to them.) When she saw all of the people that were considerate of her*, it seemed to give her that "feel good" sort of feeling. She sat up (past her nap) and played for a couple of hours. Levi came and I had a great time seeing him again. He and I walked all around the hospital, played in the playroom, and overall had a wonderful time together. (I was very sad to see him leave.)

When Glory woke up she had another visitor. It was a dog. I cannot recall the name of the ministry, but they were allowed to bring a dog in to help cheer up the patients. Glory seemed to like the dog, but she did not think that it was as unusual as I did. (Glory is around dogs all the time, so dogs in the hospital is no big deal, right?) Then my cousin David stopped by to see Glory. By this time Glory was feeling much better and wanted to go see this "playroom" that Levi and I played in all afternoon...you see, no one had told Glory that there was a playroom in the hospital! Also understand that getting approval to go wander around is not trivial either, but at the time we had a great nurse who worked with the doctors to allow Glory to be disconnected from several of her "wires" to make the trip to the playroom easier. Thus I carted Glory around the playroom in a wagon while we visited with David and his friend.

Last night was Alesha's turn to stay up with Glory. Talking with her this morning, she reported that Glory slept quite well.

*By the way, we do check our e-mail, and several people are communicating with Glory via our e-mail. It is nice, because she can read (and respond) to the e-mails when she is feeling good. So feel free to e-mail Glory through one of us and we will pass the message on and you will likely receive a response. (This was Auntie M's idea and Glory has communicated with quite well with her for some time now.)

"Sometimes I feel discouraged,
And think my work's in vain,
But then the Lord, my Shepherd,
Revives my soul again."


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Thanks for the updates on Glory. She's in my prayers and those of my bible study girls and other friends.