Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Hospital Adventure, part II

It is 4:40am and everything seems to be going well. I woke up from my first straight 8-hour sleep in 4 days at 4:00am. I was leaving Jeremy's place at 4:09am and arrived at the hospital around 4:20am to find my family sleeping. There is a cot in Glory's room to sleep in, but with Glory, nurses, and "beep, beeps" it does tend to keep you up at regular intervals. Evidently, Glory would not go back to sleep without having Alesha nearby, so Alesha is curled up at the end of Glory's bed...very cute indeed, but it doesn't make for a very good night sleep. Tonight she will go to a friend's house to get a better rest and I will stay here at the hospital. David, our friend and doctor recommended to me that, since we will be here for many days, that we should alternate getting rest outside of the hospital.

It seems that Glory's white blood cell count is up. This is a good indicator that the antibiotics are doing something good against the pneumonia. One of the hardest parts about Glory recovery is to watch and even encourage here to cough. Coughing will help get the "junk" out of her lungs, but coughing is very painful for Glory (and Papa).

Oh, about the not getting 8-hours of sleep at night comment above: since Glory has been coughing (last Tuesday...before we were in the hospital), she had been waking up coughing and one or both of us would go to her and encourage her to go back to sleep. My typical nightly schedule was to check on Glory at 7pm (bedtime), 11pm, 3am, and 7am. Alesha checked in on Glory more often though.

We are hoping to move out of the ICU and on to "the floor" early this morning. (Some one who understands hospital talk should better describe to you what "the floor" really is, but I will give it a try.) The Floor is what you may think of as a "normal" hospital bedroom where visitors would come and see you. After a pregnancy, it is where you would go to see the mother and baby. The patients on the floor are not in critical condition and do not need to be monitored as closely as in ICU. We have enjoyed our time with the staff (and the unmonitored fridge with lots of chocolate milk!) here in the ICU, but we will be glad to move out. I will let you know what it is like when we get there.

Thank you for your prayers. We are joyful to have the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ to be in complete control of our life, and we fully accept the lot that he has for us.
***(more on this later)



Anonymous said...

Thanks Taylor for the informative updates. Dr. Dave's wisdom is priceless. Glory needs 2 healthy parents to see her through this as well. Take care of yourselves. Where is Levi?
Love and Prayers, Mom (Granny B)

the Hollingsworths said...

Levi is with Grandma Miller. We are hoping to see him on Monday. Even Glory was asking about him this morning.


Anonymous said...

-Hope Glory gets better soon. You all are in out thoughts and prayers.
Aunt Karen